
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Best Pep Talk

Most of you have probably seen this video:

A Pep Talk from Kid President

If you have already seen it, click on the link and watch it again.

If you have not seen the video YOU MUST CLICK ON THE LINK AND WATCH IT!

It speaks for itself. I really have nothing to add that Kid President doesn't already say.

What are your favorite quotes and moments from the video? I find myself quoting it often. 
"Not cool Robert Frost!"
"I'm on your team - be on my team"
"Then he never would have made Space Jam... and I love Space Jam."

So, so very very great. A must watch. And then again. And share it with your friends.

Thank you Kid President, for helping us find our way to the road that leads to awesome!

"Let's get out there!"

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Ian and I are most definitely nerds. And we love it! 
When it comes down to it, we are all nerdy about something.

Last night, our discussion turned toward The Lord of the Rings. We started discussing some of the characters. There are so many great ones! I love Eowyn, Arwen, Merry and Pippin, Legolas and Gimli, and the list could go on for quite awhile.  Tolkien did a wonderful job of crafting an entire world, and making its characters come alive.

We came to the conclusion that Samwise Gamgee is one of the very best characters in all of fiction. 

He is the epitome of loyalty.

Frodo: "Go back, Sam. I'm going to Mordor alone."
Sam: "Of course you are. And I'm coming with you."

Sam can't even swim, but he risks everything to join Frodo on the most dangerous quest in Middle Earth. 

He keeps his promises:

Samwise Gamgee - the true hero in Lord of the Rings

He remains hopeful even when their situation appears to be hopeless. Once Sam and Frodo separate from The Fellowship, they are only two Hobbits from the peaceful Shire, journeying toward Mount Doom, against all odds, striving to destroy the One Ring, which itself has destroyed so many inhabitants of Middle Earth. Their quest appears to be a suicide mission with no hope of success. Yet Sam remains diligent and steadfast through it all, protecting Frodo and being the very best friend any of us could hope for.

Sam says it best himself:

Sam monologue

Let us remember that we all need to fight for the good that is left in this world. We can do this in small ways, every day. We don't need to go on a grand quest or adventure (although adventure IS out there...). We can do good by being kind to our neighbors, our friends, our parents, grandparents, siblings, and people we cross paths with at the grocery store. These gestures, however small you may think they are, make all the difference in the world.