
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Looking back - Pregnancy Progress Pictures!

I recently got together with some college friends that I hadn't seen in awhile. They got to meet the babies, rock them to sleep, and we had a great time playing games. I also showed them some photos of me while pregnant, since we had intentionally kept our pregnancy off facebook, and I hadn't seen these friends while I was pregnant.

It was so fun looking back at these photos! I showed Ian the ones from the night before the babies were born, and neither of us could believe that I had been SO PREGNANT! So, for your entertainment, here is me and my growing belly.

Christmas Eve - 23 weeks

Pregnant friends! My dear friend Ali and I. Now our babies are 2 months apart!

26 weeks

Jill and I had the exact same due date. How fun! 

34 weeks

35 weeks - Tomorrow is the day!

Ahhh! Can you believe it?!?


Hooray! We are so excited!

Checked into the hospital the morning of March 19, 2014 at 35 weeks + 2 days for our induction! Thanks Meghan and Dennis for my awesome shirt!


and then out came...

Babies! Two of 'em!



Same babies, 10 weeks later - How did that happen so fast?!?



Those last 3 photos were taken by my parents' dear neighbor Lisa, who has twins herself! Thanks so much, Lisa. The pictures are wonderful!

I hope you enjoyed that little look back. It's fun to remember how we got here, to this wonderful place with our little family and darling darlings.